But the weekend was fun. Friday was a low-key, albeit late, night at our favorite chuar bar. It was another small, enjoyable gathering of Tao, Amy, Joe, Therese and i. We arrived at 8pm and were the only customers. Strange though... by 12pm when we were leaving, it was full. Reminds me of Spanish nightlife, where dinner often isn't served until midnight.
Ace and i arrived early and checked out the nearby pet store. The poodles were ridiculous, what with their ears and tail dyed pink, green, and blue and all. Poor worthless things. And then, i saw him. I don't know how he made it across the ocean, lost weight, and became younger, but it was Spanky all right. That's my old cat, spanky, from Colorado. The shopkeeper said his name was "Yea-Yea", probably because she couldn't say "spanky". Ace fell in love with another cat which she aptly named "Purr Factory". I changed it to PF Chang.

So dinner was delicious as always. Special guest appearances were made by Dapper Tao...

Vogue Joe...

and Satan, seen below feasting on chicken wings. (Notice the soulless, empty eyes... that's how you can tell.)

Also, Ace and I... and Amy and Tao.

Saturday was long, as Ace and I spent most of the day looking at new apartments. It doesn't make sense for us to live where we are, since she works on the other side of town. That was an interesting experience all by itself. The first agent we met with didn't speak a work of English, and i impressed myself with how well we communicated. It's amazing what you can do when you are forced to comprehend and be understood. We spent over an hour with him looking at two places, and i don't feel like there were any unanswered questions. All this from 10 months of living here and no formal classes. There might still be hope for me.
1 comment:
i've always thought satan waas charismatic and looked like al pacino
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