Fact: i grew up watching the show and at one point, i told time in "Fraggle Rocks". One half hour block of time was a Fraggle Rock. Fraggle Rocks could be subdivided or multiplied, i.e. 1.5 Fraggle Rocks was 45 minutes. My family humored me for quite some time.
Two weeks ago, steph and i sponsored a Fraggle Rock viewing at a nearby cafe. I downloaded the first season and i pre-screened 5 excellent episodes to show with their movie projector.
The Beijing ultimate community was abuzz with Fraggle Rock! Gobo this and Sprocket that! Uncle Traveling Matt was alive in all of us. Everyone knew the theme song (clap clap!). I spent the better part of the past few weekends and some evenings "Doozer shopping" and planning for this. We needed to prepare 35 sets of matching Doozer costumes for the tournament. Steph, Ace, Ken, and myself went to a few different markets and made it happen for about $5 per Doozer.
Then the moment of truth.

The costume:
- Yellow Hard Hat
- Yellow Rubber Gloves
- Green Tights
- Green Shirt
- Yellow Utility Belt
- Optional: Clown Nose
Mike showing off our partially see-through tights.
Ken demonstrating the versatility of the rubber gloves.
Doozers milling about their construction site, while Chinese on-look.
Me tying Tao to a chair using the remaining 50 feet of Utility Belt Strap. Tao is a very good sport when we decide to pick on him.

Ken and i enjoying the situation way more than Tao is.
Tao trying to escape.
The happy doozer couple.
P.S. Sorry for the 10 day lapse in posting. Work got really intense and exciting when Larry and Scarlet returned to Beijing, then i got sick, and then i just ran out of time.
The Trash Heap has spoken. Nyyaahh.
I now have the fraggle rock theme song on loop in my head while I run experiments in the lab. Thanks for that! Also super jealous of your Shanghai costumes. Makes me sad I wasn't there...
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