Thursday, January 16, 2014

Reitzmas 2013

Jorkevstherdan made the long voyage back to Chicago for a five week visit this winter.  We timed the trip perfectly, missing Hangzhou's worst pollution and also catching its best fall weather.

J-dizzle was significantly harder to travel with this time around.  Last year he slept peacefully most of the way. This time on the plane, he wanted to explore.  He managed to sleep for about 6 of the 13 hours, but that meant a fussy kid for 7. At one point i took him back to the steward galley and let him play with the drink cart for an hour. He kept grabbing the little bottles of vodka and screaming. He was hilarious. The flight attendants loved him.  We did our best as exhausted parents to entertain him, and we all arrived safely.

Reitzmas was chaos as always, since 19 of us are hard to corral.  Jordan was a hit with all the family.  We had to baby-proof the house, so the Christmas tree ended up decorated with stuffed animals.
My Dad bought Jordan a hat from the country of Jordan.

He has evolved so much in just a month. He is much more mobile now and he understands basic commands. He basically did great adapting to his new surroundings, although he still had a few accidents.  He tumbled down a flight of carpeted stairs one time before we set the gate up, but luckily he just bumped his head a little.  Another time he was running and tripped, chipping his head off the corner of a wall. It swelled up immediately and he cried for two minutes, then he was back to normal.
Check out that egg on his forehead.
In Jordan's free time, he enjoy's piling animals upon a sleeping mom.
We spent most of December with my family in Chicago, but we took one trip down to St. Louis to visit my oldest brother's family. Their two awesome kids Erin and Nathan entertained Jordan the whole time. It was pretty cold so we basically just stayed indoors and played. But that was fine with us, Reitzmas is all about family.

 January was a whole different adventure.  Next post soon, i hope!

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