Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Triumphant Forest King

We've spent the last two weeks in Xiaoshan, at esther's parents place. We'll be here through the first week of November, when esther completes her zuo yue zi.  During these two weeks, we've managed to give Jordan a Chinese name.  He was christened Jordan Neil within minutes of being born, literally just as soon as we had a chance to think.  In China, it's common to wait a week or two before giving a name.  Jordan got his at about 10 days old.

Also in China, you need to consider fate when naming your child.  You must consult a master who can analyze the circumstances surrounding the child's birth.  Using the time, date, and lunar cycle, the master determines which of the five phases are missing from the child's life.  In Jordan's case he was missing fire.  A dilemma, for sure, but one easily remedied by adding some fire into his name, in this case, wood to build a fire.  After some deliberation, we finally settled on Wang Kai Sen, 王凯森, or loosely translated, Triumphant Forest King.  All hail!!!  Incidentally, his character for "kai" is the same as my chinese name, Kai Wen, 凯文.  Nice.

In other news, King Jordan eats, sleeps and poops.  Thems are his major hobbies.  However, as i'm the designated feeder in the house, i've had ample opportunity to chronicle and study his most common facial expressions.  Here are a few.
At Peace
Air Guitar Solo
Is that breast milk for me
 Hark! Methinks a poop cometh!
Hi Mama. And helllloo mama's boobies.
Now you're just making fun of me.
I've grown bored of you and your camera.
Dad, if you post this on the internets, i'll pee on you. 
Winky Frown

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Triumphant Forest King Jordan Neil is a beautiful, beautiful boy! Congratulations to the three of you!

Betty Vitale (parents' friend)