- Mom wakes up around 7am, gets breakfast ready, feeds and hangs with Jordan, and pumps.
- Dad gets up around 9am, eats, and shares Jordan duties. Around 11, he starts getting lunch ready.
- Dad cleans the floors, dusts, and takes out the garbage. Mom does everything else.
- After lunch, Dad hangs out with Jordan, and does parenting. Mom pumps and takes a nap.
- When Mom wakes up, she pumps and watches Jordan while Dad works out.
- Dad does the dishes and prepares dinner.
- Mom and Dad high-five for a while, rejoicing in their awesome parenting skills. They are in bed by 10pm.
- Jordan smiles, coos, and continues being an amazing baby. He's bed around 9pm.
- Mom wakes up once to pump.
- Dad wakes up to feed and change Jordan, usually twice a night.
That got us through most of November. Mid-month, we decided to try going out for dinner occasionally. We had grown tired of cooking every night and longed for a little variety. Our first meal was at Mango Thai, and our maiden voyage was met with delicious consequences. Phad Thai and Curries were our reward. There were no incidents. The next night we headed out to Zola Brick Oven Pizza and met some friends and their 4-year old. Again, delicious success!
Being the newly mobile parents that we were, just having the freedom to head outside made us happier. But mostly we've been staying in cuz it's cold and rainy. To compensate, i'm cooking a larger variety of dishes. Yesterday we had Chicken Fajitas with Guac and Spanish Rice. Today, Chicken Minestrone Soup... both came out awesomely.
Which brings me to something i love about China. When i'm going to cook, i walk out to the veggie market at our apartment and buy what looks good. I buy exactly what i need and cook it all. I remember shopping trips in the States required a grocery list, a car, and ten bags worth of stuff costing $200. Here's what i bought today for Chicken Minestrone Soup.
All that cost me less than $3, including the chicken breast (which i bought at the supermarket and had frozen). It was so fulfilling to turn all those fresh veggies into a delicious meal that would feed Esther and i for lunch and dinner. If i remember correctly, a bag of pre-packaged baby spinach in a US supermarket costs about $2 by itself.
So anyway, we're good.
I forgot to post this earlier, but esther and i did an interview for Rueben Marley, the chef at Aima. Check it out here, i think our part starts around the 10-minute mark.
And now, a selection of photos from the past few weeks...
~Kevsther and JNR
Being the newly mobile parents that we were, just having the freedom to head outside made us happier. But mostly we've been staying in cuz it's cold and rainy. To compensate, i'm cooking a larger variety of dishes. Yesterday we had Chicken Fajitas with Guac and Spanish Rice. Today, Chicken Minestrone Soup... both came out awesomely.
Which brings me to something i love about China. When i'm going to cook, i walk out to the veggie market at our apartment and buy what looks good. I buy exactly what i need and cook it all. I remember shopping trips in the States required a grocery list, a car, and ten bags worth of stuff costing $200. Here's what i bought today for Chicken Minestrone Soup.
All that cost me less than $3, including the chicken breast (which i bought at the supermarket and had frozen). It was so fulfilling to turn all those fresh veggies into a delicious meal that would feed Esther and i for lunch and dinner. If i remember correctly, a bag of pre-packaged baby spinach in a US supermarket costs about $2 by itself.
So anyway, we're good.
I forgot to post this earlier, but esther and i did an interview for Rueben Marley, the chef at Aima. Check it out here, i think our part starts around the 10-minute mark.
And now, a selection of photos from the past few weeks...
And i'll leave you with this pretty fun video of Jordan getting his bath and swimming lessons at Aima during his 6 week checkup.